Kod: FIL55051/Z
Dostupno: Na stanju
Cena: 3,099.00 din.
bez PDV-a: 2,582.50 din.
PET-G je varijanta PET -a koja je kombinovana sa glikolom da bi se postigli brojni poželjni efekti za 3D štampanje, poput visoke transparentnosti.Čvršći je od PLA, izdržljiviji i termostabilan do 70 ?C. Često se koristi za mehaničke sklopove, kućišta, nosače i slično. Zanimljiv podatak je da se uglavnom koristi za izradu plastičnih delova 3D štampača nastalih iz Rep-Rap pokreta.PET-G komponente su otporne i na vremenske uslove i stoga se često koriste za baštenske aparate.Još jedna od prednosti PET-G filamenata je to da je bezbedan za hranu.Polyethylene Terephthalate Glycol (PET-G)High impact strengthExcellent flexibilityAlmost no warping or shrinkageHydrophobic (does not absorb water)Food packaging grade pellets usedOdour neutralMain applications: concept modelling for mechanics, medical, food containers, transparent objects.Tehnicki podaciDiameter accuracy: 1.75 mm ? 0.05 mmProcess temperature: 240?10 ?CMaterial net weight: 1 kgFlexural strength: 69 MPaFlexural modulus: 2050 MPaImpact strength (Charpy): 8.1 KJ/m2Tensile Strength: 50 MPaRecommended Printer Set UpExtrusion temperature: 235?10 ?CBed temperature: 90 ?CEAN: 0023942550518RS definition of RoHS Compliance:The product does not contain any of the restricted substances in concentrations and applications banned by the Directive,and for components, the product is capable of being worked on at the higher temperatures required by lead?free soldering.The product detailed below complies with the specifications published by RS Components. Where applicable it provides assurance that electrostatic discharge sensitive devices have been handled and packed under conditions that meet the administrative and technical requirements of the ANSI/ESD S20.20:2014 and BS EN 61340-5-1:2007 Electrostatic Control Standards.